
Barbell Back Squat

Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Gluteals, Hamstrings

This is an excellent exercise for building overall power and strength however it must be performed with good form. Don’t round your back, or lean forwards as this places a too much stress on the lower back which can lead to injury.









  1. Stand with your feet flat on the floor and about shoulder width apart (toes slightly turned out)
  2. keep the abdominals tight, shoulders back, head up, and the lower back in a neutral position.
  3. Lower your body toward the floor, hips should go back and down, bending at the knees until the upper legs are parallel to the floor then push back up to the starting position.
  4. Maintain the body in an upright position and avoid leaning forward.

Key points to remember:

Make sure you push back up through your heels when returning to the starting position.

Break at the hips and go down, do not go forward on your bent knees

Keep your head and gaze up do not look down or allow your knees to turn in



Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Gluteals, Gastrocnemius, Soleus











  1. Start Position – Starting off with your own bodyweight place entire foot on the box/bench with the top of the thigh parallel to the floor.  Keep the foot that is still on the floor close to the box/bench.  Keep your torso upright and push into the box/bench with your upper leg, driving the body upward.  Can also be performed holding dumbbells by your sides, or with a barbell loaded on your back, this is the most difficult.
  2. Top Position – Continue pushing down on the box/bench until the hip and knee are completely extended.  End in a knee up, toe up position with the trailing leg.  Your body should be as upright as possible in the position.
  3. Finish Position – Return to the starting position by lowering the trail leg slowly to the floor.  Keep the foot close to the box/bench on the descent.

Key points to remember.

Perform all reps with one leg on the box/bench before switching foot position.

Limit the amount of push-off with the trailing leg.



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