3 day-per-week Full Body toning program

As the old cliche goes “absence makes the heart grow fonder” I’m using this to summarise my feelings for not having done an article since late December 2011, my apologies to those of you who have been following my blog, I have no excuses. Well, let’s get into it, today I’m going to set out a 3 day per week Full Body toning program for those of you that are just starting out on a weights program or want to change your existing one to get more frequency per week on all the major muscles.

Form is the Key not the amount of weight you can lift

Before we start let me tell you an interesting little exchange of words that took place in the gym yesterday whilst I was taking time out to train my legs, ouch they still hurt now!  I was doing some Bulgarian split squats with a barbell on my back, I’d just finished a set and was going over to have a drink at the water fountain when someone said to me you are putting me to shame with that weight, I didn’t see what he was lifting but I guess it was a lighter weight  than what I had just lifted.

The message I want to convey is that it’s not the weight that’s important it’s the form, including using the full range of motion for the muscles you are working, do that and you’ll increase your muscle strength and size and in turn increase the weight you can lift anyway.

The Program

This program is for those looking to tone up and strengthen their muscles rather than build muscle mass. Combined with some cardio interval training on the in between days the program would be a good start to basic muscle toning and strengthening, and weight loss, of course you should also be following an appropriate food plan to reap the complete benefits. The Program works all the major muscle groups on each of the 3 days, and can be performed every other day together with your cardio routine. The rest between sets should be 60-90 seconds depending on your goal.  For those of you on a weight loss program keep it down to 60 seconds as a higher average elevated heart rate over a workout will help you burn more calories.

Warm Up

Before you start any of the following workouts please make sure that you do a warm-up activity. This can be 3-5 minutes on any of the cardio equipment: treadmill, bike, rower, this will warm your body, in particular your joints and muscles reducing the risk of injury. This advise is for all of you not just the beginners to a weight training regime.

Full Body Day 1

Exercise Sets Reps Rest between Sets
Leg Press 3 20 60-90 seconds
Seated Row 3 20 60-90 seconds
Machine Chest Press 2 15-20 60-90 seconds
Machine Shoulder Press 2 20 60-90 seconds
Cable Curl 2 20 60-90 seconds
Tricep Ext 2 20 60-90 seconds
Plank 3 1 minute 90 seconds

Cardio Day  

 Full Body Day 2

Exercise Sets Reps Rest between Sets
Smith Machine Squat 3 20 60-90 seconds
Dumbbell Chest Press 2 25 60-90 seconds
Lat Pulldown 3 20 60-90 seconds
Dumbbell Flys 3 20 60-90 seconds
Dumbbell French Press 2 20 60-90 seconds
Seated Dumbbell Curls 2 20 60-90 seconds
Torso Twist 2 12 each side 60-90 seconds

Cardio Day

Full Body Day 3 

Exercise Sets Reps Rest Between Sets
Lunge with Dumbbells 4 10 each leg 60-90 seconds (after both legs completed)
Bent Over Barbell Row 3 12-15 60-90 seconds
Bench Press Barbell 3 15-20 60-90 seconds
Dumbbell Lateral Raises 3 15-20 60-90 seconds
Standing Barbell Arm Curl 3 15-20 60-90 seconds
Tricep Dip 3 15 60-90 seconds
Hi-Lo Chop cable 2 12 each side 60-90 seconds (after both sides)

2 Rest Days and start again

Warm Down / Stretching

Equally as important as the warm up is some stretching at the end of the workout to bring the muscles back to their normal length after the shortening or tensing that occurs in the muscle (fibre) after lifting weights. As the workouts I have prepared for you here are Full Body make sure that you stretch all the major muscles, refer to the stretching chart or look at the diagrams on the stretching apparatus at your local gym for instructions.

As I always suggest if you are unsure about any of the workouts above I strongly advise that you consult one of the Personal Trainers operating out of your local gym, get it right from the beginning and the techniques will stay with you for life, your body is worth the investment.

Talk to you again soon.


Fitness Moves

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